High Quality, Experienced Tutoring at an affordable price

Regular Homework and Feedback

Our tutors will always give relevant and detailed feedback to get them ready for any exam!

Support families in need by getting tutored

Our tutors are dedicated to making education accessible to everyone.

Online classes that adjust to your schedule

Our tutors try to be as flexible as possible and are committed to working around your busy schedule, wherever possible.

What we do

MDtutors is an independent tutoring organisation that aims to provide high quality, experienced tutors at an affordable price. All of our tutors either currently work in education or study at some of the finest Russell Group and Oxbridge universities in the country.

Our teaching style is devoted to challenging your children to reach their own personal goals and ambitions. With regular examinations, homework and feedback we not only teach our students but encourage them to reflect on areas that they can improve and work harder at.

Furthermore, not only does your money go towards providing an excellent tutoring service but it also helps subsidise our access scheme for underprivileged youths. We pride ourselves on our scheme whereby when one of our tutors works for 3 hours, they do an hour of mentoring for an under privileged child for free!

Our Services:


Our tutoring services are tailored to your child’s needs and as such we offer a wide range of subjects. From languages and humanities to the sciences and university applications, whatever you’re looking for we can provide.

Level Prices start at (pounds per hour)
11+ 23
KS2 and KS3 (up to year 9) 25
A Level/IB 35
University Applications General Advice 35

University Application

At MD tutors we realise applying to university can be a daunting and stressful experience. Therefore, we have several tutors dedicated to guiding you in making your application to university the strongest it can be. All of our tutors have experience studying at Russell Group or Oxbridge universities, so you’re guaranteed to benefit from the insight of people that have been in the exact same position as you are in right now.

Category Price (pounds per hour)
Interview Preparation 40
University Applications General Advice 30
BMAT/UCAT Tutoring 40


Helping disadvantaged students achieve their academic goals

According to the Guardian, there has been a 600,000 rise in the number of people living in relative poverty in the UK since 2012. At MD tutors we believe that one of the key methods of lifting families out of poverty is increasing their access to high quality education in an affordable way.

The ethos of MD tutors is that we have a shared responsibility to help one another and that’s why we have developed this unique access scheme.

If you think you might qualify for our access scheme check out our eligibility criteria below.

Eligibility criteria

  • UK home students
  • Have one or more of the following
    1. Difficult individual circumstances
    2. Come from a region of low particiaption, according to POLAR https://www.officeforstudents.org.uk/data-and-analysis/young-participation-by-area/
    3. Come from a low income household

How to apply?

If you think you might meet this criteria, please do the following.

Send an email to mdtutors@outlook.com with:

  • Documentation/evidence of financial status
  • A statement of why you feel you would benefit from our service and documentation of your individual circumstances (max: 400 words)
  • A reference from the school confirming both your financial status and that they beleive you will benefit greatly from the scheme.
  • 2 examples of your address (e.g. passport copy, driving licence copy or bank statement - confirming your postcode for the POLAR database).

Frequently asked questions

Our refund policy is fair to both our tutors and our students. If the lesson is cancelled more than 2 hours before it starts you will not be charged. However, if it is cancelled less than 2 hours before it begins, you will be charged 50% of the price of the lesson. Similarly, if our tutor cancels your lesson with less than 1 hour before it begins they are obligated to offer 50% off the next lesson.
Once you have booked your lesson you will be sent the details of an account in which to pay into after each lesson. You should NEVER pay the tutors in cash and failure to adhere to this may result in a financial penalty.
Due to the high level of demand for our tutors we may not be able to immediately provide you with a tutor but rest assured you will be put on a waiting list and given the first suitable tutor that becomes available.

If you wish for one of our tutors to give you some feedback on your personal statement, please contact us and we will arrange for someone to help you out.

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166 Princes Road,
Dartford, Kent

+44 75 9197 5541
